Bloganuary Day 8: Family Tree

Another day of January, another day of the WordPress Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt asks:

How far back in your family tree can you go?

Admittedly, genealogy is a hobby I’ve been able to sit out, as two others in my family absolutely love to do it. They’ve tracked our family tree pretty far back, though I couldn’t tell you how much. (Again, not my hobby, though I do read the information they send to me.)

I do know that I have ancestors from many countries in Europe—Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and England. Those are the ones I can remember, but it’s possible I’ve left off one or two.

As I’m in the midst of creating a large fantasy world, this question makes me curious how family trees look for my main characters and so perhaps I’ll explore a bit of that.

Katie Rodante

Katie Rodante is a poet and writer obsessed with storytelling and creativity. Her books include Wreathbound, Autumn Reveries, Woodland Witch, and her upcoming novel Fangs and Frosting. When she isn’t writing, she can be found strumming her harp, practicing yoga, or playing games—video or tabletop, not the drama-between-characters kinds she writes in her books. She lives in sunny Dallas, Texas with her husband, two children, and a morkie named Hamphrey.

Writing Update Wednesday: 01/11/23


Bloganuary Day 7: Rain