Book Recommendation: Wolves and Daggers by Melanie Karsak

Wolves and Daggers is the kind of book I didn’t know I needed. I mean, steampunk red riding hood? That’s genius. And it’s such a fun read!

The story follows Clemeny Louvel, a member of the Red Capes, a group who is in charge of maintaining safety in the city. And guess who is causing most of the issues throughout the land? Werewolves! Clemeny is a total badass, and I really enjoyed how she fought to outsmart the werewolves and aimed to stay one step ahead of the fiendish, fanged beasts.

I loved the world building with lots of steampunk elements in a gritty, mystical city. If you love fairy tale retellings, you’ll love this. Even if you don’t normally read ‘em, I recommend you pick this one up. It’s worth it.

Katie Rodante

Katie Rodante is a poet and writer obsessed with storytelling and creativity. Her books include Wreathbound, Autumn Reveries, Woodland Witch, and her upcoming novel Fangs and Frosting. When she isn’t writing, she can be found strumming her harp, practicing yoga, or playing games—video or tabletop, not the drama-between-characters kinds she writes in her books. She lives in sunny Dallas, Texas with her husband, two children, and a morkie named Hamphrey.

Writer's Digest Poem-A-Day Challenge for April 2021


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